Friday, November 20, 2009

Delivery Guys

One of the hard parts, for me anyway, about being an artist is all the time alone. I can get busy and not leave the house for several days. Things start to become weird after about a day and a half... sooner if I don't change out of my pajamas till lunch...but why bother dressing - no one is around. We live in a rural area, so apart from the dog, it can become pretty quiet. Then the dog barks and a truck pulls up. The crunch of gravel, a door slam and footsteps up to my door. Normally they just knock and leave it, but today I open it before he has a chance to knock. A UPS delivery person breathing hard from trudging up my driveway with a huge roll of paper ( we make art prints sometimes) is standing at my door. We talk - anything to have a conversation- a bit of news, a remark exchanged about a baseball game that I actually have not seen or particularly care about, but feign I do just to enjoy the banter on the subject. We talk for a few minutes then "See ya! "off he goes. Today I ran with three women friends and they all were talking about how the UPS drivers are really by FAR the most attractive of all the delivery guys because they wear those cute brown shorts. I wondered if UPS figured this dress code would increase their business with their women customers.
Sometimes it's just better to leave the studio and go out into the world.


Sylvie Van Hulle said...

I recognize this... I'm trying too find a balance between work and relaxing. Normally I paint in the morning, and in teh afternoon I make a long walk of an hour, sometimes I have to force myself, but I know it's better for me to go outside and breath some fresh air.

Nicholas Wilton said...

I go on runs with different people--Right now I am injured so i can't run so much, so I end up working too long! It helps having a dog that wants to go for a walk every day...

Kesha Bruce said...

Ugh,yeah. I too am guilty of "forgetting" to leave the house for a few days. And for me it starts to get weird after day 3.

Unfortunately there are no uniformed delivery guys to lure me out. Maybe I should get a dog?

Nicholas Wilton said...

Hey I really like your image of "Nsiah's Rain"

Tracy Helgeson said...

Had to laugh when I read this, Nicolas! We live out in the country and even the cats go rushing to the door when the UPS guy comes, we are all just so excited to see other people!

And I can go days without leaving the house too (not counting going out into the yard) and it doesn't get weird for me until I do leave and am actually in public. Then I usually yap too much to every human being that I see, or feel like an alien and feel desperate to get back home;)

Diane McGregor said...

Had to laugh at this -- how many times have I met the UPS driver at 5pm in my pajamas?!

gm glimmerglass said...

Yeah, it's about balance.

Easy to know, hard to implement sometimes.

I pick up my son from school after a day alone in the studio and he informs me that I only get five sentences (with answers and comments returned) before he plugs iPod in.

With the advent of the New Year, I've started having open studio on Fridays for arty friends to come by and make things with me.

It is turning out to be the magic that we all have needed.

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